Our team

  • Nuala McKenna
    Nuala McKenna
    Project Manager

    Nuala has a degree in Social Care from Carlow IT and has worked for over 20 years in a wide variety of roles including Early years, Addiction Services, Homeless Services, Disability Services and Youth Residential Care.

    She is a Servant Leader trained practitioner a member of Social Care Ireland and is a strong advocate for ongoing professional development through training and life long learning.

    Nuala believes in social justice, human rights and animal welfare.  She has a passionate in art and creativity which she uses to support engagement and connection with children, young people, parents, families and groups.

    Nuala took up the role of Project Manager of MYP in September 2022.

  • Maeve Majewski
    Maeve Majewski
    Project Worker

    Maeve joined the MyP team as a Project Worker in July 2024.  Maeve has worked with children and young people in various capacities for over 20 years. She has an Honours degree in Early Childhood Care and Education from South East Technological University and a Post Graduate Certificate in Trauma Informed Practice and Care from University College Cork. 

    Maeve has worked in, and studied, many areas of child development during her professional career including special interest areas such as Creative Mindfulness for Children and the use of creativity and the arts to support positive mental health outcomes.

    Maeve is passionate about children’s rights, nurturing childhood resilience and working to create environments where children and young people feel supported and valued.   

  • Marie Sheridan
    Marie Sheridan
    Project Worker

    Marie Sheridan is a project worker at MYP. Marie has over 11 years’ experience working therapeutically with children and families in the community.

    Marie has a degree in social studies and is currently in the second year of her clinical training in Somatic experiencing which works with unresolved trauma held within the body and is aimed at treating trauma and stressor related disorders such as PTSD, anxiety and many more. Alongside Marie’s clinical training she is studying Somatic attachment therapy. Marie is passionate about body-oriented therapy, specialising in the mind and body connection.  Marie is also an Accredited Practitioner Coach with the International Authority for Professional Coaching and Mentors (IAPC&M).

    Marie delivers the First Friends mother and baby community group and is trained in PEEP Learning together parent and baby program, PEEP Antenatal parent and baby groups, REAL You, BodyRight,  TLC Kidz and the NVR Parenting program.

  • Jessica Kelly
    Jessica Kelly
    Project Worker

    Jessica holds an Honours Degree in Social Care Practice from TU Dublin and is a member of social care Ireland. She has 10+ years experience working in the area of social care and community services, family support, addiction services and supporting families who experience domestic violence and abuse.

    She has completed community addiction studies with Urrus and an advanced certificate in advice and advocacy in addition to the NVR parenting process. Jessica uses her training in aCRA, motivational interviewing, Narrative 4, Meitheal, Theraplay, TLC Kidz and Real U, to effectively support families at MyP.

    Jessica is committed to continual development of professional practice and has most recently taken up a new learning opportunity with IICP in (HDip Sc) Integrative Psychotherapeutic Studies.

  • Jennie Casey
    Jennie Casey
    Project Worker

    Jennie is an Integrative Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist specialising in Play Therapy.  Jennie’s approach is informed by current research in trauma, neurobiology, and attachment.  She often uses therapeutic play in her work with children and young people and works closely with parents. With a background in forest school leadership, Jennie regularly integrates nature-based approaches into her practice.  She delivers a number of group programmes for MYP including the Roots of Empathy programme.  Jennie is an accredited member of the Irish Association for Play Therapy and Psychotherapy (IAPTP) and the European Association for Integrative Psychotherapy (EAIP).  She is also a member of the Irish Forest School Association (IFA) and an associate of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP).

  • Clare Shine
    Clare Shine
    Office Administrator

    Clare is a graduate of UL and Michael Smurfit Business School, UCD.  She worked in Financial Services prior to joining the team at My Project. She has extensive experience of business, finance, governance, strategic planning and office management.

    Clare is responsible for office administration, reporting and finance.